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Didžiuojamės galėdami pasiūlyti nuostabias gėles, kurias visada renka ir pristato vietiniai floristai iš : "Gėlių raštas"! Be to, mes palengviname gėlių siuntimą internetu. Gėlių kompozicijas galite užsisakyti internetu iš savo darbalaukio, planšetinio kompiuterio ar telefono. Jei jums reikia dovanų gauti paskutinę minutę, daugumą gėlių kompozicijų galime pristatyti tą pačią dieną. Tiesiog pateikite užsakymą iki 13.00 val., pirmadienį – penktadienį, arba iki 11.00 val. šeštadienį arba sekmadienį (gavėjo laiko juosta) ir mūsų vietinis floristas gėles pristatys tą pačią dieną! Iškilus klausimams visada galite susisiekti kontaktiniu telefonu. Jūsų "Gėlių raštas"

Need Some Beautiful Flowers & Decoration?

Need Some Beautiful Flowers & Decoration?

Need Some Beautiful Flowers & Decoration?

Who We Are

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tem.

What We Do?

For quick answers to common
questions, try our FAQ first!

Our Location

2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York
11226 United States.

Welcome to Flor,
The Home of Flowers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate.

The Girls
With the Flowers!

Violet Krasinski

main florist

Bella Almost

main florist

Theo Jude

main florist

Esme Shield

main florist

Our Flowery History

  1. Second Flower Shop Opened.

    Launches as an independent business. Moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength. 9-Nine launches as an independent business. 9-Nine moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength.

  2. Second Flower Shop Opened.

    Launches as an independent business. Moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength. 9-Nine launches as an independent business. 9-Nine moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength.

  3. Second Flower Shop Opened.

    Launches as an independent business. Moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength. 9-Nine launches as an independent business. 9-Nine moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength.

  4. Second Flower Shop Opened.

    Launches as an independent business. Moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength. 9-Nine launches as an independent business. 9-Nine moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength.

  5. Second Flower Shop Opened.

    Launches as an independent business. Moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength. 9-Nine launches as an independent business. 9-Nine moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength.

  6. Second Flower Shop Opened.

    Launches as an independent business. Moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength. 9-Nine launches as an independent business. 9-Nine moves into our New York offices. Those offices became home for the next 20 years as the business continued to grow from strength to strength.

Best Selection

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tem.

Well-Cared For

Sed eu turpis vitae metus rhoncus varius at consectetur arcu rhoncus.

Lowest Prices

Nam placerat enim sapien sollicitudin vestibulum. Sed at dolor velit.

Where To Find Our Shops


198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
Barselona 20020

New York

876 East 11th Ave, Suite 756
New York 10001


123 East 4th Ave, Suite 98
Amsterdam 1001 bh


43 West 38th Street, Suite 756
Tokyo 10005

Get in Touch With Us And We’ll Help Your Needs!

Interested in our flowers or need advice? Then please get in touch and we’ll be glad to help.

New York

2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York

Need to Make an Equiry?
